Sunday, February 27, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Spiderman, Spiderman

This is not Spiderman. It's the tram that connects Roosevelt Island to Manhattan in NYC. It was pretty cold and we were booking it back so I just snapped this one. Looking at it now, I wish I had taken a few steps back, so the whole arch framed the bridge and tram. Next time!

Spiderman connection: the first movie towards the end the Green Goblin forces Spidey to decide between saving MJ, his love, or the tram full of little kids. I'm sure a lot of neat and historical things have happened on the island, but I just think of the movie and Spiderman's theme song when I see the tram.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Video Series - Hoodie Allen

"You Are Not A Robot" by Hoodie Allen. I have a huge crush on this guy. This is the only song with a video, so here it is. (Just so you know, Mom, he's a rapper. And there's one f-bomb- earmuffs at 1 min!)

The song that's sampled is called "I Am Not a Robot" by Marina and the Diamonds. The video is super strange but the song is catchy.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Rainbow Sweater

I got this awesome yarn for Christmas and started to make something for myself, but it was too wide. Instead of tearing it out, I decided Petey needed a new sweater. Oh, and he's licking the inside of a cheese package. (He loves cheese! And the sweater.)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Authentic '80s Shades

This is a thing that happens when people own digital cameras; they take exorbitant amounts of photos of themselves. I'm serious, look it up!