In one month. 50,000 words. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? (By the way, that's about 108 pages, single spaced in Word) (!!!!)
Everyone out there seems to be working on a novel-- including myself. However, all I've got are a few pages of ideas, a list of characters and zero plot, and it's been in progress for a while. So when I heard about NaNoWriMo a few years ago, I thought "this is such an awesome idea!" but immediately forgot about it. The next year I suddenly remembered about it-- during the month of November. This year I saw it in my bookmarks in September and decided I was actually going to sign up!
So November is just a few days away and the experts recommend trying to bang out like 25,000 words the first week. I'm very scared. Very excited, but very, very scared.
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