Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Blurred trees from convertible
Another shot from the back of the convertible with that top down.

Monday, March 30, 2009

5 Favorite Non-musical Sounds

Have you ever thought about it? I just heard this question and thought I'd write mine down. What are yours?

5) Fast typing on a keyboard

4) Sleigh bells- not one, a whole bunch all jingling together! (If you think that counts as a musical sound, then my backup is the rocky beach in Nice, France. There's no sand there, just big rocks and the sound of the rocks rolling over each other is pretty cool!)

3) A golf ball when it falls into the hole. It's such a satisfying sound!

2) Horse hooves clip-clopping on cobblestones (or pavement, I suppose)

and #1) Crunchy leaves underfoot! I go out of my way to step on the extra crunchy ones.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Castle Eileen Doonan

Castle Eileen Doonan, Scotland
I took this while I was in Scotland in '07. Amazing place, the castle as well as the country.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spider Moon

Long time exposure, tree and moon
I was experimenting with the long-time exposure; I think this was 4 seconds. It was around midnight and kind of chilly, but I kept clicking until I got one that wasn't blurry. I love how creepy this looks!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Color Splash

Colorful abstract painting with paint and brushes
I felt like painting when I got back from Washington DC; a piece I saw in the modern art museum was my inspiration.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dead or Alive

Cemetery sunny day
I really like the trees in the center, for some reason.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Let's Put the Top Down

top down convertible 1991 Saab
It's 60* in March?! Obviously warm enough to take a ride in a convertible with the top down. (Yeah, that is snow on the left side of the road.) New Englanders = tough

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Turkeys in the snow
There were 18 of these huge gobblers taking their time exploring the backyard one afternoon. They actually made a lot of noise and can fly too!! After wandering around, they strolled single file into the woods and out of sight. Not the best photo of all times, just interesting.

Turkeys in snow
This is about 14 of them...